
There is a crèche available during the second part of the church service throughout the year (Except Christmas Day and the Easter services) This activity is for PRESCHOOL children only. (Once the children are of school age they are expected to go to Sunday school, and in the school holidays to sit with their parents) The Creche is staffed each week by 2 rostered volunteers, who must have the Queensland Blue Card. (Tom Symons is the one to see for Blue Card information) There is no set programme for this activity as we are guided by the age and number of children present each Sunday. The Creche takes place in a light and airy room which is endowed with an abundance of toys, puzzles and books. Sometimes we enjoy music and singing. Parents are expected to sign their children in and out each Sunday.
Leader: Anneli Symons

Sunday school

Sunday school runs every Sunday of the school term during the church service. It is for those in Prep to Grade 6. The children begin in the church where they come down the front every week for a Children’s Talk. This is so the children feel like they are part of the church family. After the Children’s Talk they go out to their area where they play games and are taught by the Sunday school leaders things about God and the Bible that will assist and enrich their own personal journeys they are on with Jesus Christ.

Youth Sunday school (every second week during term) is for High school aged children. By using the Apologetics Curriculum the hope is that this will help the kids view the world through the only solid truth, which is the Bible, and come to the conclusion that life’s big questions can ultimately be found and answered in the Bible. Some of the topics covered so far are Naturalism, Pantheism, Monotheism, Science, The universe, DNA and The designer.