Sunday 28th
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
4. The Serpent and the Loss of Paradise
John Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-15
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
3. The Image of God
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 1:24-31
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
2. Creation of the World
Greg Blunden
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1 – 2:2;
Hebrews 4:1-3
Series: Mentoring and Discipleship
2. The Strategy of Christian Mentoring
Colin Lituri
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
1. In the Beginning…
John Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-2;
Romans 1:16-32
Series: Mentoring and Discipleship
1. Stepping-stones to Spiritual Growth
Colin Lituri
Bible Text: Matthew 28:19-20
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
8. God’s Promise to Noah
John Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 9:1-17
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
7. God Gives Us the Ark When We Deserve the Flood
John Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 7:1-8:22
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
6. Noah and the Ark
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 6:5-22
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
5. Sin and the Tale of Two Cities
John Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 4
Series: Sermon On the Mount
1. Living as Citizens of the Kingdom
Tim Rushbrook
Bible Text: Matthew 5:1-12
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
10. The Tower of Babel
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: Genesis 11:1-9
Sunday 14th
Series: Creation Sin and the Nature of God
9. The Sons of Noah
Greg Blunden
Bible Text: Genesis 9:18-29
Sunday 26th
Series: Sermon On the Mount
5. The Deadly Lure of Lust
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: Matthew 5:27-30
Series: Sermon On the Mount
4. Right With Your Brothers & Sisters
Greg Blunden
Bible Text: Matthew 5:21-26
Series: Sermon On the Mount
3. The Importance of Obeying God’s Law
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: Matthew 5:17-20
Series: Sermon On the Mount
2. God’s Way to Make a Difference
David Eden
Bible Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Series: Sermon On the Mount
8. Faithfulness in Marriage & Speech
John Curtis
Bible Text: Matthew 5:31-37; 19:3-9
Series: Sermon On the Mount
7. Are We Being Hypocrites?
Tim Rushbrook
Bible Text: Matthew 6:1-8; 16-18
Series: Sermon On the Mount
6. How to Really Love Your Enemies
Greg Blunden
Bible Text: Matthew 5:38-48
Series: Sermon On the Mount
12. A Golden Promise and the Golden Rule
Greg Blunden
Bible Text: Matthew 7:7-12
Series: Sermon On the Mount
10. God and Our Ambitions
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-34
Series: Sermon On the Mount
14. How to be Wise and Not a Fool
John Curtis
Bible Text: Matthew 7:24-29
Series: James: Faith in Action
2. Trials and Temptation
Harrison Gallagher
Bible Text: James 1:12-18
Series: James: Faith in Action
7. Who Can Tame the Tongue?
David Eden
Bible Text: James 3:1-12
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